Rabbit & Cavy Rare Emerging Breed Society (RACREBS)

Velveteen LopLunkarya Cavy

Rabbits: Lionhead    Velvet Lion    Lion Lop    Velveteen Lop    Mini Plush Lop    Astrex Micro Rex

Cavies: Swiss    Rex    Lunkarya    Argente    Magpie    Ridgeback   Belted    Slate    Skinny Pig    Baldwin    Merino    Alpaca    Texel    Coronet


How to join

Membership is free, just copy & paste the email form below and send it to kimberly@stagedragon.com

Your Name:
Rabbity or Caviary Name:


How to Register Animals

Registry is currently free, just copy & paste the email form below and send it to kimberly@stagedragon.com

Animal's Name:
Date of Birth:
Rabbity or Caviary Name: 


How to Send in Breeder Listings:

Breeder Listings cost $10 per year, just copy & paste the email form below and send it along with PayPal payment to kimberly@stagedragon.com

Rabbitry/Caviary Name:
Your Name:
Anything Else to include:
You may include a logo and up to 2 other images per listing. 


How to Send in Classifieds:

Classifieds cost $5 per month, just copy & paste the email form below and send it along with PayPal payment to kimberly@stagedragon.com The classifieds are for more commercial type listings, equipment, cages, grooming supplies, feed supplies, etc.

Your Name:
Anything Else to include:
You may include a logo and up to 4 images per listing. 


How to Suggest a Breed:

To Suggest a new breed or breed not listed please send several images and a proposed standard to kimberly@stagedragon.com, you can find examples of well-written standards on the standards page. 


How to Enter an Online Show

Show entries are $2 per animal, just copy & paste the email form below and send it  along with 4 clear images of each entry (top view, both sides, and frontal view (face) for each individual animal entered to kimberly@stagedragon.com

Upcoming Shows will be announced on the shows page.

Animal's Name:
Animal's Registry ID:
Your Name or Rabbitry/Caviary Name: 


© 2011 Stage Dragon