Rabbit & Cavy Rare Emerging Breed Society (RACREBS)

Velveteen LopLunkarya Cavy

Rabbits: Lionhead    Velvet Lion    Lion Lop    Velveteen Lop    Mini Plush Lop    Astrex Micro Rex

Cavies: Swiss    Rex    Lunkarya    Argente    Magpie    Ridgeback   Belted    Slate    Skinny Pig    Baldwin    Merino    Alpaca    Texel    Coronet


Alpaca Cavy Standard in the United Kingdom:

Head, Eye and Ears                                                       10
Body                                                                              10
Coat – texture and density                                             25
Coat –  chops, shoulders, sides and sweep                   25
Frontal                                                                           15
Belly                                                                                5
Presentation                                                                  10
HEAD, EYE and EARS: Head to be short and broad with good width to the muzzle.  Eyes to be large, bold and bright and of any colour.  Ears to be large rose petal shaped, drooping and set with good width between.

BODY: To be firm, fit and of a good size appropriate to age.
COAT - TEXTURE and DENSITY:       The coat should be soft and springy to handle, clearly showing rexoid characteristics, be free flowing, shown clean and unmatted.  The coat should be full and dense, especially near the body where the undercoat is more evident.

COAT – CHOPS, SHOULDERS, SIDES and SWEEP: The chops should be even, dense and well furnished, and of a length in keeping with the age of the cavy and the length of the shoulders.  The shoulders should be broad with hair of appropriate length evenly around the sides.  The sweep should fall over the hindquarters of the cavy and be full and of even length, being generally a little longer than the sides.  When viewed from above, no gaps, thin areas or uneven length should be evident.  Allowance should be made for the fact that the coat will appear thinner at the ends in older exhibits, because the undercoat will not be as long.

FRONTAL: The hair constituting the frontal should originate from the shoulders and be brushed so as to evenly cover the face, with no gaps.  At the side of the head, this hair should meet hair from the ‘chops’ of the cavy and fall in a manner producing a ‘curtain effect’ at the front of the cavy.  The frontal should be even and of a length in keeping with the age of the cavy and the length of the shoulders and chops.


BELLY: The belly should be curly, woolly and dense.

PRESENTATION:  The cavy should be shown in good condition, with plenty of firm flesh, clean and tidily groomed.  It should be presented on an appropriately sized board and must be shown with a central parting

© 2011 Stage Dragon